
Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Capture The flag

When we went  towards the field Neo was chasing after use. Miss West got very annoyed with the students from class because they were playing with Neo. Arriving at the field, we set the cones out with some of the students in my litracy classl.  it was to muddy. We  had too start all over cause itn was too muddy It also wasted a bit of time. It was a  Beautiful sunshiney day and we went on to the school field. And set up the cones, houlahops, and the flags. The game we went to play was capture the flag it was pretty fun to play with my class some of my friends were goose guarding. Our teacher said we were there for a hour but it really felt like 10 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Great writing, Josh! I really like your last sentence: "Our teacher said we were there for an hour, but it really felt like 10 minutes." You have added extra information to your sentence to make it more interesting. Remember to go back and check that all of your sentences start with capital letters. Keep up the great writing!

    Miss West
