
Friday, 31 August 2018

Personal Trainer

Walt: solve problems using Ratios

Task Description: we are learning to solve problems with ratios. We had to answer 3 question's and do our working to go with the question.

Friday, 10 August 2018

A healthy Week

Walt: solve problems with multiple elements.

Task description: In this template I write down what I think is a healthy lifestyle for a kid. Some of this accidentally got cropped out but a kid should be doing an average of 9 hours a week.

Family of facts 6

Walt: solve problems with multiple elements.

Task Description: Learning My Timetables.

Family of facts

Walt: solve problems with multiple elements

Task Description: we are learning to solve the problems form biggest to smallest.

Whoah Thats Fast

Walt: look for the hidden meaning in the text.

Task description: we are learning about time and speed at the same time. Spliting the time in half with meters and km

Rugby And Netball

Walt: look for the hidden meaning in the text.

Task Description: we are learning to compare both these sports and say whats the things you can do in one sport and can not do in the other sport.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

A healthy week

Walt: look for the hidden meaning in the text

Task description we are learning to explain to others about our healthy week.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Mini Minutes

Walt: build a stronger knowledge base around time.

Task Description: we are learning to solve these problems by using time. including hours,mins and seconds